
[Showbiz Korea] Kan Mi-youn(간미연) & Keum-jo(금조, 9muses)! Interview for the musical 'After 6PM(6시 퇴근)'

2020-01-08 1 Dailymotion

Kan Mi-youn and Keum-jo
Kan Mi-youn and Keum-jo started out their careers in the entertainment industry as members of top-notch girl groups but they are now in their second prime as actresses! They are showing off their versatility through the musical "After 6PM" so we wish them only the best in their future activities!

간미연 & 금조
최고의 걸그룹 멤버에서 여배우로 완벽하게 변신에 성공, 제2의 전성기를 누리고 있는 간미연과 금조! 뮤지컬 [6시 퇴근]을 통해 색다른 매력을 선사할 두 사람!
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